In the new game, created based on the Japanese anime series Death Note, we can again meet with the heroes who have set themselves the question of the welfare of people at the expense of the misery of other people. In the very same plot of the anime, the question was about the impunity of killing for the good. Could there be a better life on our planet in this way. But let's get back to our game. Collect 12 puzzles based on the legendary anime!
Archeologist House Escape
Drift Rider
Pretty Girl Christmas Jigsaw
Ball Run
Cooking Rainbow Cake
Jezaa 2
What meme dog are you ?
Plane Fighter - Plane Air Fighter
Pink Pants
Beach House Escape 2
Scary Halloween: Spooky Nights
Happy Shapes
Play Golf
Bridge Runner Race Game 3D
Fire And Water In Zombies World 2
Flying Cat
Coloring Heroes
My Little Pony Equestria Girls dress up
Pocket Dungeon Survivor
Kids Pizza Chef Cooking Game - Girls Cooking Game
Halloween Sushi Maker
Ertugrul Gazi Horse Sim
Red And Blue Stickman Spy Puzzles
Memorize Fast
Bus Rush 2 - Adventure
Blue spheres
Zombie Sniper
Color Ride Bump 2021
Hand Bag Mouth Jigsaw
Anime Mariage Maquillage - MariƩe Parfaite